Separate names with a comma.
The charger Jayman has suggested would fit the bill for maintaining a car battery indefinitely, but at $60, as I said, it's a somewhat expensive...
The only part that will actually burn paint or coatings is the catalytic converter, so I don't spray it, but the pipes and the brake rotors/drums...
After a serious wirebrushing to get rid of all traces of loose rust, I got a can of zinc "cold galvanize" and sprayed the brake calipers, and the...
Be very careful when selecting a "trickle charger"- most of them are simply a low-wattage transformer with a diode on one leg forming a crude...
150 mA is a 1.8 Watt panel; you only get the full 150 mA when the panel is directly lit by bright, overhead sun, so that's an hour or so a day in...
The Prius changes its battery use strategy in cold weather to mitigate the effects of temperature on capacity- on my Classic, I can see that...
Definitely- Shell gas vs. Imperial (Esso) shows a consistent MPG gain.. I normally use Esso gas simply because it's convenient (there's a...
Why did you run "15W30" or was that a typo by the lab?
After driving for years with a regular day/night mirror, and suffering from either blinding glare or an image so dim that I might as well not use...
Does the Bosch have a replaceable wiper element? I looked at the Trico version and rejected it for two reasons: 1) the rubber wiper edge is not...
I've seen these "orbs" with just about *every* camera I've had.. The Canon cameras seem to exhibit these "orbs" the most- the consensus seems to...
The standard MFD is fine for video input.. All but the very cheapest NTSC-input LCD panels you can buy on the market today will meet scan...
The lower spoilers are in *front* of the wheel and help deflect the air *before* it gets to the turbulent zone immediately around the rotating...
There's so much turbulence around the wheels that the mud flaps do not contribute *any* noticeable hit to MPG.. The real hit, is small and...
Loctite is probably *not* a good idea- it's basically a non-conductive glue, that coats the threads and locks things in place, so if you use it,...
Although it's not recommended, you theoretically could "minus size" (which is sometimes considered a good thing for winter tires).. The things...
Has anyone else from Canada tried to register on TIS to download manuals recently?? I know that the system is set up to accept US addresses...
Exactly- while an experienced Prius driver could likely have achieved even better mileage, the fact that they swapped drivers throughout the test...