Separate names with a comma.
The dog in your avatar have that "huh?" expression. Soooo cute.
La is a note to follow So. If I remember the song....
In high school we were taught that a particular language has formal rules of grammar. These rules describe how the language would be used in...
Whell thars ya prablem!
Hi all, I refer to the following article from the in-house magazine of Toyota Corporation of South Africa....
Did the insight surprise Toyota? They seem to be rushing around to match it price wise, even continuing to sell the current model.
Actually, now that you mention it Southern California has the same climate we do. I should have realized....You're right though. No point worrying...
OMG! They charge for air? In SA we can have all the air we want at the gas station. I prefer to use my own compressor (with moisture trap) and...
Little black vinyl job with a gold Toyota logo. I don't want a big heavy keychain...
It happened to me, but it was MY fault. I didn't hook the carpets in. Live and learn.
Oh yeah. The AC goes on first thing...Was making a video to demo voice command system just now. I decided to switch aircon off and hold my nose...
Hi all. Does living in a hot climate reduce the lifespan of the HV battery at all. Someone once mentioned electrolyte loss, but the batteries are...
That's incredible!:o A 15W 3x1 foot panel would still only contribute less than 5% of the total power demand for the onboard electronics. I...
Just curious actually.
Sorry to be needy, but could you point me in the right direction? Google comes back with all kinds of rubbish on the topic.
Hi all, I'm curious about the Prius electrical system, primarily about where the boundaries of the low-and high voltage systems are. The Prius...
Pre-or post Photoshop? She's got a fishface....
Maybe its' all that CO2 she's emitting that makes her feel so "tired". Poor thing....NOT! Posh's plane trips 'exhausting': Entertainment: Celeb...
Absolutely.Nothing gets your acting faster than losing your analog TV signal. Here in SA we're also beginning a switchover (first in Africa). We...
...but it was my fault. A couple of weeks ago I was going up a steep hill near work. There was some traffic behind me so I decided to floor it to...