Separate names with a comma.
my gross income for 2006 will be around $10,000, and after the standard deduction and personal exemption, my taxable income will be under $2000....
i want one, anyone know how to get one?
I dont see how a CNG with stickers is any different than a prius with stickers, other than the fast track. I think you may have a good argument...
My understanding is that only busses can use the lane except during carpool hours. Did you see a CNG vehcels go by with out getting ticketed...
I know the lane you are talking about. I would have to look at the signage to be 100%, but I think it says that it is a bus only lane, and a bus...
My tax man said that becuase I didn't hold the 05 for 3 years I will have to clain 66% of the 2000 deduction I took in 2005 on my 06 taxes.
Anyone who thinks the trim rings give you better mileage can buy my set and run two sets at the same time for really good mileage. Or better yet I...
OK, I checked the number on my now sold 2005, I aplied for the sticker on the first day I could getting my new fast tract at the Fast track office...
Ok her is what I know about the tax The $3150 tax credit is for cars put into service in 2006, you must hold the car for 3 years. those of us that...
The $3150 tax credit is for cars put into service in 2006, you must hold the car for 3 years. those of us that put cars into service in 2005 get a...
That doesn't make sense. a used prius will not get the credit...... Don't freak me out i just agreed to trade my 2004 for a 2006 yeah, I...
I think he must be goofing on guys like me that have sold our prius for, if not a proffit, a very small loss.
I saw this amd having jsut sold my 2005 on craigslist thought it was funny. "brand new" loaded 2005 Prius - $25000 (san jose south)...
2005 she got the Prius, This year I sold the prius and ordered an 06, She got a red suit case, along with the promise of a trip
Before I took delivery of my 2005 I bought a set of take offs with tires on ebay for $300. I like black wheels on white cars so I had them powder...
I orderd the new Magnetic Grey, I haven't got it yet, didn't stop me from voting for it. Anyone heard when the first greys will be delivered? jay
SF Board of sups had a bill that would allow fee parking at meters and city owned garages but I can't get my supervisor to tell me what happend to...
BTW, I used Craigslist to sell it. You gotta love Craig's, plus he lives in my neighborhood and is a really nice guy. jay
My buyer needed a car now. In their case it wasn't a bad deal. For me it was great, I can live with out a prius until the new one comes in and I...
I am in SF CA and I was asking 25,500, I got 25000, car was clean with 15k and prepaid service to 55k. Jay