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So how long until we hear that if we don't act now, the polar caps are gonna have too much ice and the oceans will lower to devastating levels and...
Roy Spencer PhD (a "skeptic") reviewed the paper as well and he wasn't in good agreement with Lindzen and Choi's paper either. This is good,...
If you remember, a prediction of global warming is that we will observe changes in our climate. A climate change prediction is that we will have...
This is fantastic: DAVID ROSE: The mini ice age starts here | Mail Online The media is now saying we are in a mini ice age. Global warming is...
Yikes. I can't remember who used to post here that very incorrectly said there's no money to be made from Global Warming. UN IPCC chief Pachauri...
Here is a short excerpt from the above link::::: Two days after the previous exchange, Gary Funkhouser reports on his attempts to obtain anything...
Wow.. A very, very, very damning analysis of ClimateGate: Climategate—analysis by John P. Costella, Ph.D. This is something to print out,...
The graphic on that link cracked me up: [IMG]
Quoting RealClimate for climate info is like quoting Michael Vick for animal compassion info. Or like quoting Michael Jackson for child care info.
I refuse to pay $40,000 for any vehicle. I have colleagues that spend $100,000+ on their vehicles to impress people, but I won't spend over about...
I thought about it. I have an iPhone 3G. I skipped the 3Gs and have been hoping my 3G will hold out until the new iPhone comes out. I think the...
The global warming alarmists came together and proposed some geo engineering ideas to help save the world!!!11!! Top 10: Climate Geo-ingineering...