Separate names with a comma.
More IPCC blunders. Is their any end to their screw ups? The IPCC: Hiding the Decline in the Future Global Population at Risk of Water Shortage...
Great story about Rajendra Pachauri, a railroad engineer, and the head of the IPCC, conducting IPCC business using his TERI account. TALK ABOUT A...
Why do all alarmist claim intellectual superiority when they are constantly wrong? In "my" thread I destroyed all your arguments. You could not...
Please what your mouth, children read this forum.
I'll listen to your posts about solar panels, because I know that's your job. Anything else, I am forced, after reading your posts, to be suspect...
I think this is what he is trying to say: "Hi. Can we discuss this, and assume that all of this temperature data is valid? You know, despite...
Don't even bother with him. Icarus believes if you add energy to water it turns into ice. What more needs to be said.
I'll happily agree with that.
Yes, I'm very concerned about all the dark blue in North America and Asia.
Dear Toyota, I want this vehicle now. I have a 2010 Toyota Prius II with two tone custom leather interior. Since this vehicle is supposed to be...
Icarus, sorry I could not pass this up. Not looking to get in yet another email fight, but this headline just made me spit up my coffee: Summer...
Icarus, I'm asking you this because I honestly don't know. What is the typical *maintenance* cost of solar setup for a house per year? I'm...
Recently I posted an article where the IPCC quoted a magazine about retreating glaciers, instead of actually going to the primary source. (This...
I feel compelled to "warn" you about entering into any type of discussion with Icarus. I can guarantee you that he will exemplify the typical...
Watch out when you talk about melting :) In this post we have icarus telling us that it a lot of energy is consumed when ice forms from water,...
CO2 in it's current % in the atmosphere is harmless, and the earth could tolerate much greater quantities of CO2. Suggesting breathing 100% CO2...
Here's a post from Roy Spencer: Spencer: Hide the incline? Watts Up With That? It's kinda funny. Alarmists accused him of hiding the "incline"...
That's a really worthless thing to point out. Thank you Captain Obvious. Pure oxygen would be bad too (just ask the families of the crew of...