Separate names with a comma.
i personally would like to apologize for this 'america' i live in. it is embarrassing at times. the rest of the world deserves better. we are...
hmmm...liars u say...
i believe the same was said for gasoline-cars...some (hundred) years ago...
the difference should be's still a GM product versus a Toyota. I'm just WAY GM trumps Toyota reliabilty with one...
ev works for some...hybrid-ev works for many more. reality...for now. we should all be so lucky to 'only need an ev vehicle'. i'm working...
if i remember right...switching lanes required a certain 'mometum' to cross over to the other lane's rail conductors. if you didn't choose the...
wow, that is impressive. mid 40s. nice. i bet a Lexus has never seen those MPGs b-4.
okay, got an amp turn-off pop question...since 'upgrading' my stereo at 100,000 miles, I now have an annoying amp turn-off pop. only on turn off....
what is some of the real-world MPGs? As gas prices's the $$$ question for those who want to use less and pollute less. A nice drive is...
slotless was the next wave...for my childhood anyway. you could change lanes with a flick of your speed controller thing. i bet my parents attic...
now that's a sad "look at me" story. Wow, we really are screwed as a species. evolution cannot happen fast enough...
to me, inviting the public to test drive a Prius, then any other hybrid, and the real deal becomes easily apparent. My friends and family and...
101,059 officially today. Took a thousand miles to finish my " hundred grand makeover", not cost, but miles. I revamped my stereo/fiberglass...
their loss.
5 SUVs that get less than 16 MPG, cost more than $100 to fill up — Autoblog Green from 4 years ago.
nope, but we can continue driving toward the cliff in our ice vehicles. yay!
why are we STILL 'working' on combustion! Sheesh, burning crap is so old-school. wind me up some electrons and then you have the future....
x-files, man. x-files. I am only helping resurrect a 4-year old post on a glorious 30-degree,snowy spring day here is S. Dakota. sipping chai....
well, that's pretty cool. you're an idiot. thanks for posting!
Prius IS midsized. Corolla is not. next...