Separate names with a comma.
If you go to the Reuters story linked in cwerdna's post above, you will see that international customers are included. The 242K cars in the...
That indicates to me the likelihood that your first fillup was closer to the top than you second fillup at the first click. I usually go to the...
Unfortunately, as with many other things, the cost has to be brought down before it makes economic sense. But surely in these days of...
Yep, as to both of the above.
Unfortunately, ol' Pete's voice is not what it once was. Neither is Bob Dylan's and you can decide for yourself whether that is fortunate or not.
So, years ago I had a buddy who wanted me to take flying lessons with him, but I decided not to on the ground that my 3-D perception is good...
So far as I can tell, for the past 50 years, CR ratings have been proudly almost 100% insensitive to price. The idea, so far as I can tell, has...
Gasper, On your point 2, the numbers in your sources support your claims. So what do you think is going on? Is Winterkorn making things up? Or...
I tried that yesterday--it requires a greater range of motion in the knee than I have right now. But if exercises help with that, it might work well.
Never been there. I agree with you on limited rear view.
Here are a couple of pieces linked to on, a VW Diesel fan website, that I haven't seen here. I've put the topics of the talk by Prof....
What Greek island are you going to? I'm jealous. (My favorites from over 30 years ago are Santorini (Thira) and Delos, which IIRC is now...
I'll try that, and see if it works.
? Some of us buy it for the wallet (successful only if you keep it for a while), some because we think it's good for the environment, some for...
Thanks! It seems to me that the thing which hurts most is keeping my foot away from the accelerator and brake when in cruise control, mostly...
Roland, Thanks for your thoughts. I'm glad your recovery is going well. I hope it keeps up that way. The injections are still going--they...
I'm still surprised at how little hybrid/diesel crossover there is. My wife really likes her 2012 Audi A-3 TDI--She's getting about 41 MPG...
I don't get how the Prius C is rated for 46 mpg hwy and the Prius original is rated for 48, when the C is smaller and IIRC a lot lighter. Does...
That's one of the things I wanted to know, but was too lazy to figure out for myself. Thanks, Mark. Now, I'm going to assume that, at ethanol...
So, going off of austin's figures: austin says that EPA attempted, as of 2008, to "fudge factor" in E-5, but today we are using E-10. That SHOULD...