Separate names with a comma.
Thank you for sharing the info. also!
At 3000 doing 40's and 50 once! Break in period is suddenly changed.
See my other recent post. The dealer mechanic was right...there is a break in period...suddenly at 3000 went into the 40's and one time 50 av....
I was told originally there was a brake in period. They were correct as suddenly at 3000 she finally jumped up to 40 and the 44 and I actually...
I guess we should never assume...anyway....thanks for replying. I finally got 42.8 and holding as I was told there was a break in period. 3000...
Finally at 3000 miles, no matter how I drove her...I received 42.8 and holding. I guess there is a break in period as I studied the driving, but...
Just received my first42.8 mpg at 3000 miles. Did you find a break-in period?
I am in FL warm now, but at the same mileage received 42.8 for the first time! They said there is a break-in period and I guess there is!
Where do you ever get pure gas these days. They all seem to have ethanol.
You have a wagon getting that mileage driving in busy get going traffic or are driving in slow careful grandma unrealistic state? I get 38.6...
I have a wagon and can't get it off the 38.6 mpg. No matter what, changes to 38. something continually. I have put more air in the tires to be...
AGREED! Here, here!!
All or nothing! They take some things on the screen off but not others. Now that is rediculous.
Michele could be as Michael, but de Lucca-Lowrey is not French at all and I was driving: "I can get it temp. by driving like a grandma, but not...
The Prius is supposed to get 40 on the low end...I only get 38.6avg. 42 and 44 on the hig yet, cah end. In FL, not too hot.
Me too! 2000 miles not reaching 40 avg...only 38.6
I only get 38.6 avg. I have 2000 miles in FL and no matter how I drive, doesnt do the basic 40.
Do the body side moldingd change the MPG's if added on?
I now have 2000 miles on my new one and only receeive 38.6 avg. STILL waiting for 40 on a noemal day. I can get it temp. by driving like a...
Correct on insururance..I think also, insurance needs to change. I don't consider what they have done to the Prius Navigation system giving up...