Separate names with a comma.
No, you do not need your license plate # before submitting the application. I just wrote in "New Car" like many other folks under the License...
I purchased Rhino Ramps from Autozone a few years ago, and they work very well for sports cars, or cars with low bumpers/skirts. Justinc
My check took 18 days to cash, and I am on my 12th day waiting for my stickers to arrive. So, I don't think you need to worry. The averages I've...
Thanks, I'll give it another shot. I don't recall my manual listing the radio and climate controls. Also, I do not have the NAV.
I have an '06 package 6. Last night, I thumbed through the manual trying to figure out the voice commands. If I read correctly, since I do not...
I hope it's OK to ask this question on this thread...I currently have Verizon and am due a new phone in Jan. By reading all the posts, it looks my...
I too, experience dim steering wheel control lights on my 06 Prius. I haven't looked thoroughly through my manual yet, so I hope there is...
I just checked the back of my cashed check, and I also do not see a sticker number. However, I did notice my license plate number along with the...
Hi GreenMachine, I picked up my 06 package #6 a few weeks ago, and have not been disappointed with the HID lights. I almost went with a lower...
Update: I received my plates over the weekend. (it took only 2 weeks). I've never received my plates this quickly before. However, my check for...
I'm still breaking it in...odometer just passed 200miles. I have not gone over 68mph, and do both highway and local driving.
The Prius was my second Toyota bought at that dealership and my previous purchase (Camry), also came with 1/2 tank of gas. However, they always...
Just thought I'd share my first fill-up experience. My 06 came with about half a tank of gas and 4miles on the odometer. I filled up this morning...
No, my 2006 Prius SKS default only unlocked the drivers door.
Sounds like you did exactly what I did. Did you by any chance try to insure via AAA? Did they have your VIN# in their system? AAA did not have my...
Hi sunnysandiegan, I've never purchased the exterior/interior protection before on my other new car purchases, but decided to take a plunge this...
Yes, I actually went to the FasTrak office and picked up my kit. I had to include a receipt with my DMV application. So, I'm pretty sure I...
Another update: I picked up an 06 PK#6 last week and sent in my Fastrak/HOV application to DMV immediately. Next up, I had some difficulty...
Super White - '06
I picked up my '06 last week from Hayward.