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[IMG]Posted: Today at 11:40 am Post subject: All set for winter[IMG] [IMG] I put on my snowtires yesterday and this mourning i put on my...
Hello everyone :D I havent been around pc in a while and thought it would nice to drop back in and say hello.It has been around 1.5 yrs since i...
I have a 2006 prius and im about to go for the 15k service.Where i go i have free oil changes for life! and the service has been great so far.At...
Thanks Jim! Your right about the lube!I stated it incorrectly.Its free oil changes as long as i own the car.I also get free car washes and...
When i bought my 2006 prius last june,the dealer gave me free oil changes as long as i have it seviced with them.Later this week im going in for...
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Heres a picture of mine with the bra installed for winter use.Will take much better pics in the spring
My wife told me yesterday that she heard from our tax accountent and im getting back just over $1500.We are not rich! just average income people.I...
Send the snow my way!here in Ct it has been a snowless winter :( .Its only white now because of a 3" sleet storm we had earlier in the week.The...
Winter driving here in Ct has been almost nonexistent this winter.The only real tryout with my prius and its x-ice snowtires was that 3"...
Lively chick hit it right! Went to cc at open time! talked to store manager and it worked out!.He went away for about 15 min and returned.He said...
Again! Thanks for all the info gang.I ussally spend time here on pc chatting about my car,didnt really think id ever be chatting about this.I will...
Thanks Godivia!I might of did a dumb move by using my debit card.I called the bank alittle while ago and they said that they couldnt put a stop on...
Thanks Tony!and all others who have given me support.I feel so bad about this!I just hope they dont think i did such a criminal act.Its definately...
Just an update!! The monitor in the box was made in 2002!(A discontinued model).It has to be an inside job!Maybe not from cc but from the...
Bad Day -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today i decided to go to circuit city and buy the...
Cold weather has finally but a damper on my mpg.Average mpg is now in the mid 40s.
Since i bought my car in the early summer i am still the only one with a prius or any other hybrid at my jobs parking lot.Just curious what others...
Anyone get a card in the mail from D/R added value asking how you feel about your prius and improvements that you would like to see.Says you can...
I also bought snowtires (michelin x-ice)for the first time this year and guess what! still waiting for snow.I guess i put a curse on all snow...