Separate names with a comma.
Many thanks for that info, i`ll check that out staight away and report back with the findings. You are correct in the assumption that i travel...
I wonder if anyone can help me with this query. I have got android and torque app, with usbseawolf pid`s installed and working ok. I have...
How much for the control boards please. I am in the Uk, but dont mind paying the shipping fees Thanks, Anthony.
Hi John, i had thought about this, I have the HVC cutt off signal from the relay going througha push button switch and the HVC relay latched...
Hi John (sorry for the Jim bit) I have electrical knowledge but not electronics, although i do intend to learn abit in the near future along...
Hi again Jim, it is my intention to install the charger cut off relay to the inlet side of the 240v in power cord. I have a power meter in...
Hi Jim, thanks for the advice. I only intend to use the relay board for the cell logger to switch the pcb relay 12v, then the switched output...
Update, forgot to mention, the reason for the little pcb with the relays is to protect the cell logger open collector outputs. As i have found...
Hi all, Just a small update on the enginer performance. With the climate getting warmer now in the uk my overall mpg is increasing. When I...
small update, i had purchased the relays, they are rated 5A 30vDC, with a coil resistance of 160 ohms. " relays, one for each battery bank....
Thanks John and wb9k. My replacement cell lg cam back this morning but i`m not going to fit any more until i get this small moe made up. I`ll...
Hi wb9k, I am mechanically biased and dont have any knowledge in electronics, so my mechnical mind is telling me that if i place an additional...
Hello again, I contacted Dan and he also has experienced issues with the internal transistors blowing, although the correct wiring is being...
Hi John, The output of the CellLogger8S is a transistor output with very limited current sink or source (NPN/PNP). So maybe you may have...
Hi John, Thanks for the link and schematic. I had taken note from other schemtics around the web on various forums. I have actually wired up...
Hi again, still having problems with the cell logger relay circuit. Ok, can someone give some advice on my wiring, and i have reduced the fuse...
I have sent you a pm sushp. Many thanks. Anthony.
may i ask the reason for the upgrade. I may be looking to upgrde my eniginer system in the future to one like a bms2 and a few more...
hi wb9k, i didnt put a diode across and think i have damaged one cell log relay output. Will any diode do the job? got to try and get ne...
Hi all, I have puirchased 2 cell logger 8s devices and 2 parallel jst 9 pin splitters. I have got the cell loggers in the same line as the...