Separate names with a comma.
Yeah. I'm with Leslie. I've always thought the tint notation was backwards. If a window is 30% tinted, it would seem to me that it blocks 30% of...
It has to be a total guesstimate since nothing has actually been announced yet. And probably an optimistic guesstimate, at that.
Yeah. The change from 70 to 60 is quite remarkable. You get some improvement from 60 to 50, but it's probably not worth the headache of tailgating...
I would definitely stay away from the big chains. I've just heard too many horror stories of undertrained and dishonest employees. That's not...
Great to hear that everything's working again. It's funny. The only thing that didn't fit the "key in the car" explanation was the fact that the...
This is the downside to having "Earth" as your location. It preempts any attempts by others to give you recommendations for shops. For standard...
Sounds like the VSC (Vehicle Stability Control) as I've heard it described on these forums. However, there should have been a flashing light...
Funny. That's what my window sticker says (yes; I still have my window sticker from our nearly three-year-old car), but the warranty booklet adds...
OK. So I just went out and played with my SKS. I get a single medium-length beep (~2 seconds) if I throw my keys in the car and I try to lock the...
If "the battery never runs out," then you'd be right. But, that's nowhere near true. No energy is "free." All energy that goes into the battery...
The Gimp is great, but it still doesn't have the same level of user interface that Photoshop does. I actually view this as a problem with many...
As the cost of fuel keeps going up, it gets more and more cost-effective to be a "locavore" (I find that term vaguely irritating, so I don't think...
Efficient "gliding" is not in "electric only" mode. In order to efficiently glide, you should not be using any of the car's power sources (i.e....
Ah. Excellent. So, don't worry about that. It's basically just a counter that tries to remind you that you should probably get an oil change....
First, the "Check Engine" light only comes on if something in the car throws a code (i.e. if something is wrong). HOWEVER, it's worth saying that...
Could you see if you could get a non-SKS fob for your wife? She'd then have to plug in the remote to the dash to drive the thing and push the...
You're obviously going to get Prius-biased responses here. However, there are a couple of things that some people consider positive about the...
Yes. It's part of the normal operating mode of the car. If you want it to go away, you'll have to get another car (specifically a car without...
On the "transporting flat" debate: One major concern with transporting flat-panel TV's (both plasmas and LCDs) flat is that the screens will...
The federal tax credit (for Toyota) expired some time ago. I think you could still get a partial credit of you bought your car before September...