Separate names with a comma.
You could have saved a thousand or more buying from ReInvolt or a salvage yard, but, eh. Even $3200 would not get very much of a used car or...
It grinds up the front tires. Meh. What will really hurt the car is getting t-boned on the day you don't quite shoot across, because the...
Next time use three quarts exactly and avoid any question. You can always top it off later if it makes you feel better.
He got what he deserved. Move along, nothing to see here :_>
Dealer attention. Now, before the valves burn up or something equally fun happens.
Outside of ordinary driving it is possible to drain the big high-voltage battery, and that would be bad. Read the owner's manual. (Short answer:...
So the dealer was completely correct in the first place. Sounds like a keeper.
It's hard to give a universal answer. A cautious person would replace it now on the 2008, and soon on the 2010. People report starting Prius...
No, you're thinking of Fox "News", on cable TV.
Does it imply that one should do this? No. New pads don't need to be de-glazed. I never bother, and have never had any problem. New pads =...
More importantly, stay at the pump with your hand on the handle to prevent this from happening: Gas Pump Fire - YouTube
Sweet! But, didn't you take a test drive up those hills before buying?
Read the Owner's Manual. It's filled with info that will help you avoid other inconvenient and/or expensive mistakes.
Strictly speaking Clivey partly charged another car's battery using a Prius; not what one would normally call a jump-start.
Yes, there is no regeneration in Neutral, and thus the only way of stopping is through the friction brakes. One should never drive in Neutral....
If you're comfy then the battery and its controlling electronics are also comfy. But if you ever hear the battery's cooling fan running through...
Of course they do. It's pure gold to them. Buy one if it makes you feel better, but it's not a sensible financial choice.
Let's call it what it is: global warming. "Climate change" is a dishwater term attempting to appease the reactionaries, deniers, and other...
The warmer weather. People love to blame the gas but that can account for at most a few percent, equivalent to a couple of MPGs for us.
It's very unusual to need new pads at 45K, and new rotors even more so. Did something happen to damage the brakes? Do you drive like a maniac...