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Guys I am not exactly a nooby to this forum site but I am looking to see if there is an Independent Prius service shop in the Dallas Fort Worth...
Adopt a part in Denver has them. 303 296 2211 18005082211 No sweat! Actros
Miss-fire Yes strong possibility. Very prevalent on the Gen1 when rain water ran down the front of the car and collected in the spark plug tubes...
heyman1 Don't fret on the transaxle!!! You can get a good low mileage take out for about $1000--that's no more than a comperable unit from an ICE...
kj450 I am not sure how long exactly, however the course lecturer works for a well Toyota dealership in the Denver Met area His experience and...
In short Two Years Also I had a lot of experience with traction motors and controls on Astlom Atlantique subway trains with Metro de Caracas many...
The "Harvard" of Auto Tech Schools Hybrid Vehicle Training at Arapahoe Community College in Colorado, near Denver | Arapahoe Community College....
Me Arapahoe Community College, Littleton, Colorado, Arapahoe Community College in Colorado, Near Denver Dennis
Sagebrush Let me chime in on this one--I have often heard similar comments over the years. About 15 years ago I opened up a shop in the South...
Yes yes and yes. Hello this is Dennis AKA Actros My business Linden Engineering in Golden has teamed up with Eric at Adopt a Part to bring...
Just for info On the back of MG1 is an oval rotor.When it spins (being fixed to MG1) it produces two pulse waves, one sine one cosine. The ECM...
Craig Your post is of concern--Oil level or lack of it can seriously affect longevity. I have seen several units having been run moderately low on...
Yes the compressor on a Gen2 & 3 are driven by an internal 3 phase motor the supply being delivered by the DC/DC inverter, hence the orange wires...
Some A/C info for Gen2 & 3 Prius cars. The compressor is a scroll type electrically driven unit,three phase in nature, driven by the DC-DC...
There is nothing wrong with going to a non dealer collision repair shop--If they are trained to service the vehicle. Ask for certification of the...
Gents As an Independant shop owner specializing in Prius repair most of the transaxle repairs are due to lubrication issues or overheating. The...