Separate names with a comma.
Ho Ho Starbug. Sure you're for the rental places having lots of them if that's all you want to do is rent them. I already have mine, but I'm sure...
KMO You're kidding. Right? What in the world are you talking about? Wealthy car buyers! Twenty people rich, poor or middle-class are better off...
I've read more than that there remains more oil in this planet than has been extracted since its discovery. It'll probably last even longer now...
It's not fair for the rental companies to be able to buy the Prii in large numbers. It makes those who are waitng only wait longer. I wonder how...
In California you will lose points during the Driver's Exam if you fail to turn your head and rely solely on your mirrors.
I'm in my middle 80's. I spent 7 years in the military bracketing World War II from beginning to end. My battles were in the Pacific. It's obvious...
I often hear drivers point out how much more expensive a gallon of gasoline is in Europe and we shouldn't complain. I'm wondering if it truly is...
Watching a newscast tonight I saw an item about Moore while he was in Europe. He said Americans are stupid. That's right. The word was stupid, not...
I must say all the nonsense I see going on here is beginning to concern me. "Hate Bush. Country's rotten. Bush is a liar. Moore is wonderful....
Here we go again. Now we're listening to Germans.
Mercy sakes. Lighten up. People, don't leave the country. If you leave you'll never be around long enough to finally see the light. Michael Moore...
Seriously, Hollywood is an entertainment center and should not be used as a propaganda distribution outlet. I can tell you this for sure. Many of...
If Mr. Moore is so concerned about our country and policies and so anxious to enlighten us why doesn't he exhibit his film for free? I'm...
Big article on MSNBC today describing the Ford Escape. Pictures of the controls, steering, etc. Looks like a Prius. Favorable reviews. Rated very...
Rebate? What rebate? :? Whatshisname
Hmmmmmm. Where do you live, tmorrowus? Whenever I wash my car in the driveway I'm compelled immediately to wipe it down usually with a chamois. If...
I had a 2002 with free maintenance. Now I have a 2004 with NO free mainenance. Perhaps it was the dealer himself offering it. Whatshisname
I read this and other Prius forums avidly and I'm beginning to notice an increasing number of comments seeking and proposing ideas about viewing...
Thanks Dilbert for your information. I was hoping for something that would protect the four corners of the vehicle. The setup you suggested would...
Mercy sakes! I'm having an awful time and too many close calls when I'm backing up or making tight turns in my new '04 Salsa Pearl. I need help...