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My '06 manual clearly states that the '06 has DRL. I just got it yesterday in NY. Page 111 says "The headlights turn on at reduced intensity whn...
You really got me with that one. As a techie, I assumed that you installed the Sun Java Runtime Environment or the SDK and it caused your system...
My Seaside Peral #7 which I just picked up tonight replaced my 1988 Nissan Stanza. I thought the Stanza was on it's last legs two years ago, but...
Yikes! I have 3 Series 2 TiVo's. Two are on the lifetime. The last one I bought I'm paying $6.95 a month because of the discount for multiple...
Date Ordered: 2/5/06 Dealer: Staten Island Toyota / Staten Island, NY Timeframe - April delivery requested Seaside Pearl, #7 After doing my...
If you google for auto glass repair quote, you can find many places that will give you a immediate quote for repair or replacement. There are many...
I just saw a blurb for the 11pm news that featured the prius. I rewound the TiVo and they said the following "They're clean, efficient and...
Ouch, I'm waiting on a Seaside Pearl in NY. Every once in a while, I have been tempted to call the dealer and ask for exactly when the magnetic...
No need from an apology. You are doing your best to respond a huge thread. Thank's for adding this little piece to my puzzle that you found it as...
Huh, I don't understand what you think I've misrepresented? I stated that I got a hand written warning on a plain piece of yellow paper. I have...
Thanks for our response. I think out views on DWB might be slightly different. I should rename it to driving 'while being perceived as a...
I guess that's why I got a warning and not a ticket.
I'm not really dwelling on it, hadn't thought about it in years. I made the assumption that it was because I was black because nothing else made...
No, NY. Passing through CT on the way to Maine.
Thanks for this thread! I have a police encounter that I would love to hear some feedback on. A few years ago I was driving from NYC to Maine in...
I don't even have my Prius yet, but this is the one thing that might make my want to hack it. Great job.
When they searched the computer, they found two other Seaside Pearls at dealers who were not quite local. They said that I could possibly have it...
I placed my order yesterday in Staten Island, NY. Seaside Peal, package #7. I could have walked off of the lot with a Black one, but I really...
That's an easy one Disappointed - Electronic My favorite Electronic songs were Getting Away with it and Dark Angel Now I'm going to have to find...