Separate names with a comma.
Actually, it recommends flashing as a warning (2 & 3, and probably the first 1 above), in the same way you'd use your horn. What it recommends...
In principle, the Prius's Atkinson-cycle engine ought to be able to shorten the intake valve opening to get more air into the cylinder without the...
Getting nearer... I just received a call from my salesman - and it's good news. I can have it later this month. :) I'm away on holiday for...
There's no point buying a new vehicle when you have one that works well enough - the manufacturing process has an environmental cost and until the...
I've always avoided sunroofs (sunrooves?). I'm fairly tall, so I don't want something taking valuable headroom; the mostly damp British climate...
About 25,000 for me - 5,000 commuting and the rest is leisure travel. 80% of commuting and 90% of leisure (by distance) are on motorways or...
Why not? We don't really mind what units you lot use. :) What is silly, though, is measuring fuel consumption in miles per gallon when miles...
The ten-year warranty is worth something for anything up to 12,500 miles a year, which is where the standard hybrid warranty switches over from 8...
The buttons don't seem to do anything; I have a suspicion that they are connected to Javascript and are a waste of space if you don't have...
My back-of-envelope estimates tell me that in the first five years of ownership (and I intend to keep the car for nearer to double that) I ought...
Have fun, KMO - and do let us know what you think of it. If you order, we should have a Cambridge Prius gathering. I'm told there's a few of...
Not actually an order, as I'm buying ex-demo, but I am having to wait for it. Date Ordered: 21 May 2004 Dealer Ordered From: Cambridge...