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yup, I got a new impeller for $30 and am using my old pump
It looks good and spins great with new impeller but I’m gonna clean it a bit
Yeah it was about a centimeter wide ring and that’s what was causing it no to be able to slide off
The outside white plastic was fine. It was the inner diameter (against the shaft) that the plastic pealed off and caused it to be stuck
Got it! The 2 ton puller loaner tool did the trick!!
Yeah and I tried that too. No budge. It seized on inner diameter one I get it out about 1/8 of inch
Here’s where I am at. just trying to save a couple hundred bucks and use my new impeller
Good point. I may do that. I’ve tried torch heat, wd40, and sandpaper. It seems to be stuck on the inner diameter where the metal prong it. I...
Thanks for all the support. I’ll try some of what is suggested and report back this weekend.
Thanks y’all. I’m trying to do what they show in this video at 5:45 [MEDIA]
@Tombukt2 thanks I’ll give that a try! @Brian1954 yes it rotates just fine and I tried that. It moves out about 1/8 of an inch but that’s all
Here is a picture
Thanks y’all. I tried vice grips already but it’s really stuck on there. I’ll keep trying. The propeller actually separated at the top plastic...
Hi Prius Chat, When replacing my water pump I attempted to pull the impeller out after removing o ring and washer but the impeller won’t pull...