Separate names with a comma.
Yep, just got rid of it on my '06! :D
You got a nice car. I really like the idea of the compact flash card feature. I don't have an Ipod, but I have a bunch of CF cards!. Now why...
Thanks for the support. I should have known better than try to educate ***CENSORED*** Gee, there went my 1st amendment rights. Sorry, let's get...
I am not infringing on your 1st amendment. I'm not telling you not to use it. I'm not censoring you. I simply asked you nicely not to use the term...
Interesting, I'm having an almost identical experience. I picked up my car with 5 miles on the odometer, showing about 12 MPG. After about 150...
Lady Sings the Seaside Pearl
Hey, Laaaaady! (you have to say it in the "Jerry Lewis" voice)
Lady Godiva
I got through the first 2 paragraphs. Yep, don't have to come back and read this one anymore!
As far as I know the Nav system is not available. It is not listed in the option packages that the dealer gave me. I'm not sure why not. I have...
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you were not aware that "Japs" is a very derogatory term. Please refrain from using it on...
Had my '06 for a day or so. After reading about the SKS for 4 months, I am surprised how nicely it really works! Great engineering. It's...
Considering the demand in most places, it does seem a little odd, but not unprecedented. Maybe the next thing to do is check the 'out-the-door'...
Because you're a nice guy? :D
Yikes, 1.2 million for a Bugatti Veyron! :blink: Gee, for that you could buy a dozen BMW M6s :P Or 40 fully loaded Prius. :D HP and appearances,...
Thanks. I think I read some threads that said the regular Toyota USA warranty is not honored in Hawaii unless you bought it elsewhere and then...
Under MSRP, yea, didn't think of it like that. :D Been there, done that (tour at Mather AFB). I liked the Sacramento area; plus San Francisco on...
Thanks - I was going to check it out more closely. No real rush, right?
Thought I would take a break from reading the Owner's Manual. Just picked up my '06 Seaside Pearl #3 --- I LIKE THIS CAR. First impressions :...
There's a house on one of my walking routes that has a nasty stench wafting from it. The last time that there was a complaint, the lady living...