Separate names with a comma.
Here's my up-date on the MFD I reset it. The Energy monitor/meter screen seems to function alittle different (responds quicker)and the MPG are...
Thanks for the replies and the pic. I didn't realize that there was a reset button (duh). I haven't had to drive it in a while so I don't...
I fill up 'till the pump shuts off. The MFD is seems to be stuck on 47.2 MPG. Last fill up took 5+ gallon for a total of some 311 miles....
I had a similar problem with mice(I live in the woods in arkansas) Purchase some mice pills-one bite ,brand or such and fabricate some sort of...
Don't know about the Sam's sale date but the Michelin coupon ends Oct 31, 2008 for sure. Call 'em. At the time Harmony prices were cheaper that...
I just purchased 4 Primacy MXV4 tires (85/65R15)to replace the OEM's Integrity's. Yes, they do ride smoother and Yes they are definately more...
Tried to purchase Michelin Harmony tires P185-65R-15. Arkansas Dealer says they are discontinued. did not know the replacement tire name. I...
What's going on with this site??? It get slower and slower...other pages are OK I'm a wildblue satellite guy ????
I've read most of the prior posts on this subject but what is an honest difference (opinion)between the OEM tires as to ride and noise to the...
Thanks guy's. I found it. My book is a little different. No more flippy floppy. Thanks !!
How do you " Freeze " a paticular "page" --Like the FM Radio---without it automatically flipping back to the Energy Monitor Screen ????? I can't...
What the heck is MiHG ??? Ain't they got words anymore ????
I'm 70......... Needed a replacement, car 2 nd with hatchback. Looked at Honda Fit (nice car, bumpy ride-good gas milage) I decided why not buy...
OK-Thanks for the advice. I was sort of leaning towards an independent shop.
What is everyones experience and or recommendations for alignment. Purchase tires and align at Toyota or at Independent shop ??? I'm Just...
1st tire Rotation at 4558 miles, and checked the wear (with tread depth gage). RF switched to RR tread depth was 6/32 in. So....I'm assuming...
Thanks....ALL for your comments... I re-read the 2008 Consumer Reports Article and it is obvious that if you buy a recommended car(no...
Has anyone used or heard of, Route 66 Extended Warranty, offered by Banks and Credit Unions ??
I used to have a problem with Mice getting into the Engine air filter on my Diesel truck. I secured a small plastic container(under the hood)...
Steamboat thanks for the picture. All of this makes no sense at all. Why the screw driver ? It just makes sense to turn the #10 nut...does it...