Separate names with a comma.
Hope I'm not hogging too much space here by creating a new topic out of a response I just made but I thought people would want to know. There is...
Just got my 2004 back today from having the MFD replaced. At about 15k miles I started to experience the same slow response or locked-up...
On The Car Connection today there is a short article explaining how the Prius is finding it's way into different kinds of uses - taxis, campus...
Edmunds did their "First Drive" of the Escape. Looks like Ford may have done a nice job. Personally, I hope so. Not that I am a Ford fan but,...
Not to depress you either but rather to sympathize, I gave up my 94 Bonneville with over 130,000 miles on it when I got my Prius (after a 6 month...
When I ordered my car back in October of last year, the Mid Atlantic region was only offering 3 Packages - Base, AM and BC
This was on The Car Connection today: Gives a little more info about the Escape...
Back to the original issue - we also live in Chester County and own a 04 Salsa (since March 29). I have passed another 04 Salsa on the way to...
chris_b_01 said: We cross shopped the Element as well (and the WRX and the Vibe and the Mini and the. . .) Have to admit, my wife and I...
Also notice the steering wheel. Pretty much places it in either part of former English empire or Japan. I would guess Japan as well.
I had gone through the Costco Auto Buying program and got $500 off of MSRP. That was in October though so, I'm not sure if that is still valid....
Just to add a little more info out there, here is an article from Ward's also commenting on the Ford Hybrid. Seems Ford is a little upset that...
If you go to the Ford Escape Hybrid site you can see that their system looks very...
Thought some of you might find this interesting (not that I'll have the money for one):...
For what it's worth, before I picked up mine I directed my salesman to the Pentagon Federal Credit Union who had...
This weekend (our first with the car) we had a guy in a Porsche roll up beside us and give us the thumbs up.
A 1975 Datsun B210. Paid $500 for it in 1984. It had 135,000 miles on it and a big dent in the front drivers quarter panel. Within the first...
Welcome to the group! Just so happens I'm picking up my Salsa AM tonight from Newark ToyotaWorld. Small world. Anyway, if it makes you feel any...
Placed my order on October 10, 2004 and my car is due in the end of this month. Got the envelope from Toyota Prius Program Headquarters today....
Pennsylvania offers an Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant on your purchase of a Hybrid vehicle. The value can be up to $1500 but it is based on...