Separate names with a comma.
On Tuesday, I called and opened a case as well. Unfortunately, the lady I spoke with had not heard of this issue reported prior to my call.
Did you all notice that slider to the right that indicates the amount of albums the OP had in his collection? Toyota needs to make that slider a...
OK. I am going to try this method on my next fill-up and compare it to my mileage using my current method. Thank you all for the very valuable input!
I just noticed that the octane displayed on this graph is 89 and not the recommended 87 that I have been running in my Prius. Can anyone comment?
You have described EXACTLY what I have learned to do. Perhaps it's just the "hilly" terrain here in Nashville, TN. I assume that you meant to...
I have an iPhone 3GS and it copied my contacts flawlessly! HOWEVER, there appears to be a 1000 contact limitation as when the initial transfer...
The BT streaming works very well, I was highly impressed with the sound quality. However, unlike the manual illustrates, the controls don't work...
How are most of you getting in the 50's? Do you drive 40mph on flat surfaces all day long? I have had my Prius for about 900 miles now and I am...
I heard that the Insight's ICE never actually shuts off like the Prius. Can someone confirm if this is the case?
Can someone please repost the toll free number to Toyota? I would search but I am away from my laptop only with an iPhone available. It would be...
I just sent an email to an auto custom shop here in Nashville inquiring about the Webasto Hollandia 700. I will let you know what I found out...
Interesting observation. I am going to go out and sit in the passenger seat and view the screen as well. I have yet to try that.
I am a first time Prius owner and I have no Idea what the "B" mode does! ;)
Enjoy your new car. Engineer's can't always get it right on a new generation vehicle. We have built 4 homes and everytime I always have said,...
I really like the Gen II NAV system and all of it's capabilities and options. Works great for me here in TN!
Regional Sales Manager for Riverbed Technology.
I had 3 items changed upon taking delivery and had no issues with the dealer performing the following. 1. Continuous reverse beep down to 1...
YIKES..... nevermind. I figured that there was a much simpler fix, such as disabling a setting or taking it in to the dealer to disable the...
While driving my Gen III, the NAV system won't allow you to enter a destination, etc. due to what I assume is a safety feature. Is there a way to...