Separate names with a comma.
Is it right that the same part fumoto valve fits all modern Toyotas, be it a Prius, Sienna, etc?
No wonder the stuff is reported to last a long time--10 layers?
To my knowledge, not one package 8 has yet been available in the SE region. I put my order in with a dealer in Virginia.
Get one of those inexpensive digial ones. Sears had the Accutire gauge on sale for $7.49. Accurate to 0.5psi, self calibrates, lifetime...
Also the "port added" leather is more expensive than the factory leather, even though you get less and reported by Vincent
Signed a contract for them to preference the vehicle. They need time and I'm not in a hurry. Did the same with the 06 Sienna Limited HT model...
OK, deals done. 06 Prius, package 8 No trade Cash price, $1000 over invoice.
I want that guy's name. I bet you Toyota corporate will want his name too.
The twin dvd system is something that SE Toyota does in their Jacksonville, FL processing facilty. It would be similar as something that would be...
Graham's prius link seems to be dead. Anyone have an update?
I hear that FMJ instant detailer will eventually be available in CA, just will be some time for the administrative red tape to clear. After using...
I'm still a little confused on why people feel Zaino is better than other brands of polymer sealants (not waxes). I recently clayed my accord,...
I read many of your posts of availability of package8, but all of the inventory in SE Toyota is only package 7. They say if you want leather,...
I really miss that 5 inch monochrome CRT, and the 30 lb sewing machine travel case design. I think its up in the attic somewhere, I'm gonna look...
Yea, but its a dry heat! I know I'm late to the party, but why is Zaino better than any other polymer sealant? Assuming you clay, polish, glaze,...
I was worried that if they couldn't come up with the vehicle in a reasonable period of time, I want to be able to try another source. A...
Well, I just called my wife and told her I was going to have the dealer get me the Prius. She gave me a very cool, "Oh, I see". I calculate that...
Ah yes, the Osborne 1. Mine had the upgraded 180K floppy drives. 64K of ram, now that was smokin! Most people don't know what we're talking...
Well, they say they'll take my deposit today on my cc since I'll be stuck at work all day. They recalled my interest in the hybrid Highlander...
Thanks for everyone's comments. I'll report on my decision soon. Please feel free to add any further thoughts.