Separate names with a comma.
Something just started that I have not seen in my 11 years of ownership. My 2012 will charge for about 5 minutes and stop charging. I can unplug...
I am around 12 miles on a charge. I will let you know if the new bearings make a difference.
Thanks....I am searching for the OEM or Timken....trying to find a deal but pretty pricey. I will let you know if it was the problem in a few days.
I am getting close to 300k miles on my 2012 plug in. I am noticing a hum from the back end. It is weird, if I am on the interstate going straight...
Thanks for the response. I did replace my egr and cooler and manifold myself a few months ago and my mpg increased nicely. Right now my head...
A week or so ago I posted an issue related to U0293....the car would not move. I had caused a spark when my ratchet touched the postive terminal...
It is windows 10. I started reading some threads but nothing seemed to match my issues...maybe I will search some more.
I am new to TS and my VIM just arrived. I am off to a bad start. The first is an error that says TS cannot connect to the VIM....there is a red...
I just need a stopgap for now. I noticed that my car scanner labeled the 0293 error as "permanent"....does this mean anything?
Can you do this with techstream and a PC?
Thank you!!
Do you need to buy the $500 cable for techstream or are there other option?
Hello can you help me with a question on my Prius that you helped solve for another person?
I have all these same codes after a quick spark due to a tool touching the 12V Battery and the Hybrid metal case. Anyone know much about the...
I ordered a dongle for the car scannner. Once I find the other side of the comunication what do you suggest? Thanks
Hello, what would be a good reader that would give me both sides of the U0293 error....thanks.
Hello Patrick, I was wondering if you could help me with a U0293 error caused by a short on my 2012 Prius Plug In.
Thanks for the info. Do you have a suggestion on the right reader that would give me both sides? I have about 260K miles and determined not to...
Not sure this helps but it says lost communication with Hybrid Powertrain Control Module. There is also a flashing light I have never seen...