Separate names with a comma.
Nice analogy. Are we winning yet: Chevrolet Volt owners Storm and Dee Connors were reportedly woken up by the sound of fire alarms in their...
Replacing a tail light assembly is not at all difficult. You might give it the old college try before paying someone else to do it. While I...
Sounds/looks like the fisherman's reply, fairly dripping with mendacity, to; "How big was the one that got away" "This big..." [IMG]
So, (comma!) what is it now... Guilty until proven Patriotic? Innocent until proven Patriotic? Idiotic when proven Patriotic? With a few...
The best advice on the rear spoiler is not to touch it ever... OK, very gently when washing/waxing, with a hand supporting it from below....
I've searched every thread and post about the Gen III Mooncraft G Sports upgrade and not seen any specifics about what-all it entails. Here are...
As I have said before, I don't really understand this stuff. Still I find it challenging and even rewarding to try... IMHO, better tha crossword...
My son works for a company that does survey work for natural gas and coal mining companies looking to extract those resources from gov't lands...
As you're coming from an Infiniti, I suspect that you might find the Prius a bit too noisy for you liking. But that can be fixed with new, softer...
If you ask for any mileage specific service -- 5K, 10K, 20K, whatever -- the dealer has service packages that include all sorts of things you...
Electron to muon to tau... What are the distinguishing features of the neutrino's three states? Is a neutrino's transition strictly one way?...
Thanks. I'm going to continue along my plodding path of discovery: If the neutrino sheds mass, that would suggest an acceleration, granted...
This stuff is way, way beyond my understanding of physics which is for the most part Newtonian, and based in day to day applications. Still, it is...
That's what I suspected. ;) FWIW, the neon blue part is just a plastic piece behind the Circle-T emblem. It can be replaced with any color...
This poll has been done before. :rolleyes: The search function turned up this thread begun in mid-'09 and bumped in late '10:...
Re: Speed of Light Broken From The Telegraph: Speed of light broken - an expert's view Prof Jenny Thomas, of University College London,...
From the perspective of potential long term damage to a child, I wonder which form of vicarious child rearing is more damaging, little boy...
It looks like this is not a matter of "if," but "when," and cost:benefits. [IMG] Electricity-Generating Shock Absorbers Energy-Producing Solar...