Separate names with a comma.
Gas has hung steady around $3.45-$3.50 here......any excuse to jack the price and my bet is it will blast up above $4.00/gallon again soon. Damn,...
I have them and have seen no difference....heck they are mouldings, not wings...
MSRP....suggested retail price.....if someone will pay more, they did not take the suggestion. While it is not unethical, if does piss me off as...
Re: 2008 Prius leans to the left that Toyota is in NASCAR, this is done to stagger the cars and set them up for left hand turns at the...
You can take the deflector off. It is held on my 6 pressure clips that are screwed down. It took me 15 minutes to install, have not taken it off...
I would certainly hate for my "wave" to turn into the one finger salute! :doh:
NO longer an option, ALL Prius drivers WILL acknowledge my wave when passing in thier Prius. Failure to waive, make eye contact or otherwise...
We (family) fondly refer to the car as "the clown car" or "the nerd car"............usually as we drive past the gas station. :D
pri·us [IMG] /ˈpraɪ[IMG]əs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[prahy-uh[IMG]s] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation...
erector sets ruled....cranes, engines...... [IMG]
Got my used (2007) Prius, certified Toyota used vehicle, full warranty ect for book 6 weeks ago. Same car is listed now on the dealers website for...
Main question is, "why do you care what he thinks?" I stopped buying cars to impress other people long time ago.....if you like it great, if not,...
My problem has always been helped (fixed) by the FM modulator. Even in light coverage areas the reception has been very strong. Is your problem...
Leftie is my test installer......will get my pics uploaded. let me know when you get the mud guards and how the process went.......thanks for the...
10 minute installation and looks great!:party:. All need is a tape measure, phillips head and a little patience.
Got mine today, will install tomorrow. You inspired me, will get my 8 year old to "help" :juggle:
wow, thats 5 mins of my life wasted reading this mess......let me go practice some pulse and glides..............:tape2:
As you can scratch (feel) the scratches, looks like it is through the clear coat. Bummer. I would get some reccomendations from folks (body shops)...
when you run your fingernail accross, can you feel the scratch?
pips in NO way accurately represent an equal portion of gas in the drove me nuts for while as well. Now I just drive...........