Separate names with a comma.
Good question about installing this option after delivery on Prius purchased today. I have XM in my present car and I definately can't go back to...
Hmmmm, not sure why you've found this except I can't say I've never tried to put music from Napster or the like on my iPod. Maybe it's their copy...
He probably couldn't find an iPod since I know they were in scarce supply before Xmas...but now...maybe you can find one. There are reasons why...
I am buying the Prius because I like the features (gas mileage being only one of them). Buying a new car is never a money saving venture because...
Tracy, I suggest you get black matts and then black seat cushions. I did this with my black BMW X5 a few years back with the dealers suggestion....
Sign me up! I need to look into that. Anyone have this hooked up and working? How about on an 06?
Is anyone else sick of having to press "I Agree" when the Nav screen is ready to appear? It's not like we read it each time and decide what to...
This is the exact car I'm waiting for. Should be here next week. Also loved seeing your Treo all set up on your dash. That's my phone! Tell me...
Does anyone just DRIVE this car without looking at the display and watching the fuel consumption? I was thinking about this the other day....
It is VERIZON who cripples the bluetooth capabilities of the cell phone. They say it is also limited with the Razr but I have found this is not...
John I am with you. I hear problems about traction in snow/ice/wet and about seat discomforts and all those little things make me question my...
You made me look that up! (MFD). It's taking lots of work to learn the Prius shorthand lingo. Congrats.
This is going to be hard adjustment as I don't think it's a feature in the Prius. I don't understand how a car can not know that it's getting...
I am also interested in this debate. I expect my new Prius in a couple weeks and want to be prepared. How about tire size. Are you sticking...
Barcelona Red 06 to be available about 2nd week in January Package #8 with Bisque leather This is big change for me as I've driven expensive, big...
I guess I'm very lucky. I was also told by the dealer that they weren't bringing the leather into the NY area. I'm assuming that's temporary but...