Separate names with a comma.
Ok so I opened the larger battery unit with the cells. I checked each cell. They all read 7.45V except for two. The last battery (closest to...
You just answered my question...I failed to see the above the response until after I submitted the question. So at this point iI am off to...
Is there anyway to charge the larger battery cell. I am just wondering with this thing sitting so long if it might not be dead.
No the engine did not start but it allowed me to put it into drive.
The battery dropped to one bar in the Main Display area. I build hot rods and flight sims so I am pretty good at both electrical and mecahnical...
Quick update: So I unplugged the batteries and let it sit for 10-15 min. Plugged them in and let it sit another 10-15 min. Pressed the start...
Thanks you...I actaully pressed the button a second time. So I will repeat the process, give it time to reset and see if we can't get the READY...
I will look into it. I find it helpful to add to the forum issues like this. I cannot tell you how many times forums have helped me resolve...
What all do I need to run tech stream? Do I need OBD reader?
No, a friend who owns a title company repo'd it. He said the guy drove it in when he gave him the title loan. So sometime between the repo and...
Tried again, disconnected everything but could not get the ready to appear again. I even disconnected everything and tried jumping it as well but... here is an update. I noticed the "Low Fuel" message was on. I read some forums where low fuel can keep the car from running. I put 5...
DOing as you suggested. I am putting the battery on the charger and checking volts. I did disconnect the battery and rescan. I have a cheap...
ok so it turned out to be what you suggested (the dome fuse). once I replaced it the car lit up like a christmas tree. Now when I go to start...
Thank you... I am out of town but will be back Tuesday and will do as you suggested. I will report back. Thanks again.
I am having the same issue. Where was the fuse located? What fuse exactly did you fix? Do you know the #? Was it under the dah or under the hood?
12.5 - 12.6
Thank you for taking the time to reply and share your expertise with me. The FOB is not live. No red light in the corner. The battery is...
Any suggestions on how to get the dash to come back to life?
Should all the fuses under the dash have power to them by default?