Separate names with a comma.
When I was testing at the dealer, I found about 20-30 feet or so, yes.
In the owners manual, there are sections refering to the bluetooth phone usage that says (with regards to voice recognition), "vechicles without...
Thanks Pfile -- lemme know if you get anywhere.
It's actually a huge diffence -- you have the navigation package and CPU. From what I understand, this interprets most all of the commands for...
The fact that there's a family and a real life job is an excuse, but if you yourself aren't aware what needs to be done to maintain a website like...
So, from what I've read, the Prius has different operating stages... Apparently it needs to remain stationary for 10 seconds to enter stage 4....
I couldn't push shut or drop the hood shut from a low height on my '06 when I was at the dealer... had to drop it from a good distance.
The only issue I have with my 940 is I have to 'reboot' my phone (shut off/on) every 5 or 6 hours because my picture mail just seems to stall and...
Here's the thing, apparently, when you hit the speech button, you get a 'Ding' followed by a 'Please say a voice command', bla bla bla. I can't...
Maybe there was something/someone inside of the vehicle at the time.
While a tam-tam does fall in the percussion category, it's not actually a type of drum. Ignore my nitpicking. ;p Rob Diamond State Concert Band,...
There's a cigarette lighter thingy.
The picture of classic silver on the Toyota site is pretty spot on -- it isn't bright. I get my '06 #6 Classic Silver in 6 days.
Picking up and hanging up, yes -- don't know about hold. However, my post was in reference to the voice command recognition; when I was testing...
Might not be available untill the 2006 tax stuff is up and in place since you'll get it when you file in 2007.
Keep in mind that that's the Dealer that makes it -- not necessarily 'Toyota the car company'. Think of the dealer like the middle man; much like...
It's alluded to in the manual, but in playing with my '06 at the Dealership, I still could not get the speech recognition to work with the phone...
There's all kinds of caveats to alternative power methods... Solar power is something insane like only 15% efficient and would take a land mass...
I ordered an '06 #6 in Classic Silver in October and was told Late Jan/Early Feb -- drove past another Toyota and saw one sitting on the lot....