Separate names with a comma.
There's a post here with the percentage breakdown of how many packages shipped -- #6's were, by far, the most prevailent. Since you agreed to...
It's not a matter of fault or blame -- regardless of the deal, it's how satisfied you were with your transaction. Regardless of what happened, if...
Absolutely. It's really not your problem when their issues and allocations are -- you're a consumer and have a right to make reasonable requests;...
We placed ours in the center -- it's a hassle sometimes to have to half-climb into the car (that's what husbands are for those first few weeks!),...
Gotcha, gotcha... Took me a minute to comprehend the towing hook/eye thing. Thanks. :)
That's on the front of the car? If you look HERE, you'll see it just above and to the left of the right fog lamp.
Looking at the front right of my car, there's a little plug on the bumper (if I recall correctly)... Anyone know what this is for?
Congrats and welcome! I'm sure you'll enjoy it greatly... as a computer geek and gamer, driving the car has become a challenge to me -- mastery...
Definitely grab one that uses the LATCH system. I was always paranoid with the car seat we have (Eddie Bower... 20-100lbs) in my Grand Am using...
This sounds like the rantings of an immature kid who either gets everything he wants or a nouveau riche nice person who doesn't really care about his...
Sometimes, when I'm coming up to a red light and have gentle pressure applied to the brakes, just as I'm coming to a stop, it feels like the...
Okie -- I'm at work and can't sneak out to the car to get my manual... could someone enlighten me as to how I would go about changing the...
Taken with my camera phone on a rainy day, so please forgive me if they look a bit washed out. Small gallery -- Click Here.
An absolutely pleasure to drive... everything, all of the controls a smooth as hell. I think I've pretty much mastered how to interpret the...
Yaaaay. :) Everything went smoothly! The thing is, with all of the research and advance preparation, I'm not nearly as entranced with the MFD as...
Wow. I'm bloody impressed. Price Toyota in Wilmington (Route 13, close to Hares Corner), no hassle, easy going, pressure free test drives and...
Let me preface this by saying I have a 2 1/2 year old with a good fast ball... so, french fries, half-eaten nuggets in hiding, dolls, doodle pads,...
Dealership opens at 9am, but they wanted a few hours to get it prepped and the exterior cleaned since it's basically been sitting outside for the...
Though it's an indispensable source of information, I've heard waaay too many nightmarish stories about items ordered through this website. Folks...