Separate names with a comma.
If you live in AZ, can walk around in your attic, and have skimpy existing attic insulation, depending on what your attic looks like, you could be...
Just want to point out that I'm on the same page as Icarus on cost-effectiveness. Unless you've worked over your house thoroughly, efficiency...
Is the $20,000 gross, or net of the 30% federal tax credit? Around here, I calculate that a well-sited system pays roughly the same rate of...
For the 6 degree C temperature rise at the end of the ice age, we got 100 PPM C02 increase in 10,000 years. That's the extent of feedback from...
There's now a critique of the article by climate scientists on Realclimate: RealClimate: “Misdiagnosis of Surface Temperature Feedback” Turns...
Re: Oh dear me! I think we're headed for another name change! It didn't elude " the entire cadre and the best of climate scientism, the ipcc,...
Re: Oh dear me! I think we're headed for another name change! Back in the 1990s, there was a scientist who made simple algebra mistakes in the...
Based on the cite, that was done around 1945 by selectively breeding wheat strains. I don't think your example is a GMO. Any more than a hybrid...
I'll take a chance that you actually want to know. In a nutshell, without references or pictures: Recent ice ages have lasted about 110,000...
Here are a couple of maps using the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). Don't let the colors fool you. Pay attention to the map keys. On both...
Just a matter of time before we saw a post along these lines. Yeah, we're supposed to believe that this is all temporary, it's all happened...
A lot of that article seemed kind of speculative me. First, this eruption took place last year. If it were going to have a massive cooling...
At least one local orchard here stores its apples (in nitrogen?). They have local apples all year. I can't even guess what the energy cost is...
Unfortunately, that's not how it works in the atmosphere. Greenhouses trap warm air. In essence, they stop the heat from convecting away. For...
Let me finish my part of this by calculating the confidence intervals for that 97% "yes" response. I should probably explain what a "finite...
The Canadian survey was a survey primarily of petroleum geologists and related professions. (The professional organization is APEGGA (The...
Either place. Wikipedia seems to have it right: Stratospheric sulfur aerosols - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia But you have to consider the...
Didn't mean to offend. I'm from the generation that learned on punch cards, so I understand the issue. Had the implementation of a lot of...
The discussion about a "little ice age" reminds me of nothing more than people who were worried that the Y2K issue would lock up their computers....
Mann 2009 cited just above, cut off at the year 1000 to match MBH 1999. MBH 1999.