Separate names with a comma.
See above post. Sunshine correlates positively with those numbers. The bar on the right is NASAs estimate of the increase in insolation. So a...
In the modern era, there is no trend to speak of in cosmic ray flux. This makes it difficult to posit cosmic ray flux changes as the main driver...
I got this via CalCars, the organization promoting EV, PHEV, and other types of electric hybrids. CalCars has stressed the point that vehicles...
I guess I'll also offer my 2 cents on this "scientific method" thing. There are a lot of people who naively equate scientific method with...
When I read the underlying science on climate change, I am always struck by how careful most scientists are to present the uncertainties. In...
Back on topic, there is way, way less to this story about the physicist than the original post would let you know. What is the American Physical...
Odd coincidence. I just stumbled across a quote from Asimov that sums up the FUD issues here for me, particularly the "science isn't settled"...
Totally, completely on-topic. In any given month, you might have 200 mainstream journal articles in this area. Of which 199 reinforce the...
And I'll go you one better. The first scientist (the elderly physicist) displayed his lack of understanding of both the topic and observational...
Thanks. Best comic strip I've read since Calvin and Hobbes.
Mann's claim was for (depending on the paper) 400 years, up to 1000 years or so. For that period, the evidence is pretty solid that he was, in...
I'm a meat eater, but I pay attention to the facts. All available evidence says that diet matters. US agriculture accounts for maybe 7% of US...
Yeah, that's what I thought. There is no agreed-to correction beyond what I cited just above (noted at RealClimate). Instead, Roy "I spent...
Ah, so you are saying that Spencer identified a glaring miscalculation, and that Dressler has immediately agreed to publish a correction? Wow....
It's great that you can make things like this up, but, back on point, that's not what the scientists who were being quoted said. So, again,...
The cited article lays it out clearly: "We need collective action -- so yes! write your Congressmen, organize your local community, demonstrate,...
You didn't even read that, or you are deliberately trying to mislead. Yeah, that's a study of CR and temperature -- the link from changes in...
^^^^ Once again, pay attention to the elephant in the room. There has been no trend in cosmic rays for the past 60 years. Pretty much as long as...
What cyclopathic just said. What does this have to do with the past century. Beyond that, it is a continuing amazement to me that people who...
Dressler's paper was just one of those joy-to-read things. He takes about 3 paragraphs to demolish arguments by Spencer (recently flacked right...