Separate names with a comma.
How many ways can we critique that? 1) No, I think we should focus our science spending on items that aren't vitally important to our national...
Can you explain what you mean by that? The Nissan website says 96 months, 100,000 miles, but no warranty against normal decline in capacity....
Cycledrum, I can't say offhand why I'm defending electric cars, as I think PHEV is the best option. But let me do the numbers on Leaf and Versa....
That was pretty much a mindless rant, rather than a person with anything interesting to say. Let me distill it: "Electric cars won't work as the...
Thank you all, particularly the advice on keeping the batteries alive. I'm pretty sure we've going electric, with all due consideration for...
My church is going to purchase a golf cart. Put aside the details, think of this as an ADA requirement. As far as I'm concerned, the church must...
Carbon footprint question has been asked and answered, e.g., What's the carbon footprint of ... a cup of tea or coffee? | Environment |...
Realclimate has a new posting up going a little deeper into (e.g.) why the shape of the trend matters. They posted their code, which I then...
There was no response to my posting.
You were right, I was wrong, the actual analysis properly excluded 2010, the graph in the article did not, and I misread that. As they state it,...
The first point is well taken, and gets to the key question of what does "trend" mean here. (The second point is also well taken, but in practice...
Well, in a nutshell, there's the difference between you and me. To you, the trendline clearly includes 2010. To me, I think you can't possibly...
That guy Corbyn's a piker. You want to see this guy: Whitepapers - Weather Trends International "Overall the U.S. accuracy was 87% for...
I guess my problem is that I actually read the detail and try to understand it. That's why my comments always seem to be so less certain and...
Well, this is getting kind of over-the-top. Sometimes a picture is worth 1000 words. [IMG] See how the curve turns up at the end? The essence...
Whoa. I offered the article as a nice, accessible illustration. Which it is. I don't think I said that was the only or even the most important...
There is a nice, clear discussion of the Russian heat wave analysis, by one of the authors of the paper, on Realclimate: RealClimate: The...
There is a nice, clear discussion of the Russian heat wave analysis, by one of the authors of the paper, on Realclimate: RealClimate: The Moscow...
Ever read this definition of a gold mine? A gold mine is a hole in the ground with a liar sitting on top of it. Pretty much applies to new oil...
If you shift the goalposts from: 1) fueling today's Prius with today's average oil, compared to fueling a Leaf from today's grid, to 2)...