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it really gets me when people don't read all topic replies before posting their own reply. but especially tonight, for some unknown reason. i...
so i've really been getting back into cooking lately- i've always enjoyed it but since we need to go with healthier foods for DH's health i found...
got 2 of them at the dealer today. blue and yellow. in case you want to go check them out in person. i know there was some interest in what they...
DH pulled apart a dead SKS fob at work today and brought it home to tinker with. i thought i'd share the results with anyone interested. as a...
DH has been driving a customer's 01 prius since yesterday, when it came in for a routine maintenance and two concerns. 1. dash lights go dim when...
recently some construction in my parking lot at work got some crap all over my beautiful black paintjob... nothing would take it out but a claybar...
okay. the promotional packet has arrived. it is here. on our coffee table. one night only. it's going back tomorrow. i wanted to get this up and...
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: went out to wash my car this morning... in a perfectly good mood. wash the car, get to drying it,...
just thought i'd spread the word: the 07's are coming the 07's are coming! they are at the SET port/distribution facility as we speak. i'd guess...
Seems with the new round of Prius owners we have showing up here, we're running up on time for our newfound Hybrid Synergists to head into the...
and Duke wins by 4. yeah yeah go to hell carolina :lol: :D ;) 2 strong drinks were gone by the end of the first half. it was one stressful...
you may recall i walked out on my boss about, oh, a month ago now. the stress was going to kill me. [and sure enough, in 6 months i developed...
Hey there guys, Thinking of having one meeting for Jan and Feb this time around, I've got lots going on, DH is super busy at work, and I'm sure...
This is buried back in the old PC archives and I just did some searching for it to link to it in another post... and since we have so many new...
so i saw this on the local news, being that NASCAR is so huge down here... and did a quick Google search. sure enough, the Camry will be racing...
edit: briefly updated to correct the post, more info to follow. ------------------------------------------ short answer: the 06 has direct TPMS...
before i send my few bucks into cyberspace... i want to be sure the paypal link up on the old PC site still works. does it? anyone use it...
just saw a jeep commercial on tv- the guy kicked a penguin out of his car. i immediately thought of maggie :lol: you photoshoppers could have...
i was just thinking, maybe when you updated the site, Danny, you could include a member category for those who have tech experience or something....
I got a letter from the State of Wisconsin the other day, saying I owed more tax on my car. They decided to tax me for the doc fee, but not...