Separate names with a comma.
Based on this info, I think Bush will sign the Highway bill on Wednesday August 10 in Illinois. " I'll be proud to sign a fiscally responsible...
Re: Police Search for bank robber driving silver or gray Pri That is a vicious thing to say. Even is it is true. :D
I like that Sport Rider. I read it works with either 1-1/4" or 2" Hitches. CoasteETech sells both 1-1/4 and 2 "" Hitches. So.. my question is...
Re: Found the way to override Navigation without cutting wir htmlspinnr, I gotta send a high-five your way. Congrats on the adventure and...
Did you say "by Brad Pitt" or "to Brad Pitt"?
Looks like they did it. We just need a promised signature from Mr. Prez and...
More theorizing. At the top of Title XV I found this: TITLE XV--ENERGY POLICY TAX INCENTIVES SEC. 1500. SHORT TITLE; AMENDMENT OF 1986...
This is bad for my attitude. Does this mean the manufacturer doles out the credit? It's not makin' me feel very positive about getting a credit...
rflagg, you are killing my buzz. But thanks for the dose of reality.
The Transportation Bill is the one that would allow states to allow hybrids in HOVs. Here's the latest on it:...
It sure looks like Prii purchased in 2005 would qualify. The bill talks about taxable year but I saw no reference to purchases must be after the...
Re: Highway Bill delayed for two more days. Thanks for the update. Let us know as you hear more. I'll be in line to get my HOV sticker the...
I was in the Rochester NY area from June 24-27. I saw exactly 2 Prii. Yesterday in Pasadena, CA I saw 3 Prii on my 15 minute walk to the...
When I look here it says "6/9/2005: Conference held." Anyone know if...
I thought this was the Cat Fancy Forum. Maybe I better use my Navigational system more carefully.
I want want want that Tideland. But 50 clams???!!! Wonder what the MSRP is on those little buggers.
I like that workaround. Do you suppose it will only work for "Jim"s or will it work for my other friends, too? :roll: Now I will hate it if...
I think that the Senate and the House have to iron out the diffs btwn their 2 bills. Like amendments made in the Senate. Then I think it's ready...
The latest I see at: is: 5/17/2005: Passed Senate with an amendment by...
I vote for PC. For me it is way more intuitive than the Mac. I made a CD with a bunch of JPG pix of a vacation on it. I put it in my PC at...