Separate names with a comma.
The onboard computer is retarded. It doesn't know how to accurately measure the amount of fuel in the tank.
Why hasn't this thread been deleted?
I have a rattle on the dash near the little window on the driver's side of the car. I've had it since I got the car in August. If you apply...
Is that even possible without hacking into the software? I'm sure it's not, but I had to ask anyways.
What's the point of a hybrid plug-in? If you want to go the plug-in route, then just go all electric. :huh:
I did read it...last week.
Put this thread to rest already. <_<
Yesterday I refilled the fuel tank after going a little less than 450 miles since my last refill. My total cost? $19.22 for 7.600 gallons. :D
and when I returned later that afternoon to pick up the car, I found my car parked in front of the service department with the engine still on....
I should floor it?
So American companies manufacturing cars in Canada and Mexico help the U.S. economy, but Japanese companies manufacturing cars in the U.S. hurt...
Why does GM and Ford manufacture automobiles in Canada and Mexico and then ship them to the U.S.?
As much as I love my Prius, the lack of acceleration above 40 mph makes merging a little scary. I almost miss my 260HP Grand Prix. :unsure:
Notice how Honda didn't give any timeline whatsoever other than they might have a prototype of just the ICE next year. I hate when car companies...
Who cares anymore? There's always going to be ignorant people.
Prius is just an alternative spelling of the Latin adjective prior, -oris, which means exactly the same thing that it does in English. There are,...
Is 40 MPH the definite cut-off? I'm almost positive I've coasted/glided/whatever the term is without the use of the ICE at speeds above 45 MPH.
What's it called when you maintain a relatively constant speed for a a mile or two and the ICE is off? I thought that was gliding.
All of a sudden I'm averaging over 60 mpg (62.0 mpg when I last checked), something I never expected to be able to accomplish. I don't think I've...