Separate names with a comma.
Dealers dont have to push the car because demand is so fact, the more you see an ad for a particular vehicle, chances are its because...
:P has all the package and color combos available online..just click the build and price icon
Yes, as long as the dealership accepts credit cards, as almost all do.
why wait for a 2008 ? it will basially be the same as the '06 and '07 models...the toatally redesigned Prius wont be here until 09
Fact : GWB is why we have a Tax Credit for the Prius. Fact : Al Gore has a polluted Zinc Mine on his family home. Al Gore is a creepy , weird...
your Profile says you have a 2006 pkg 4, when in fact you dont. dont count your chickens before they are hatched !
"99.9999% of running-out-of-gas incidents are caused by a defect in the nut behind the wheel... "........WELL SAID Galaxee !
I switched to Mobil 1 @ 1k miles
dont use a spray on tint.
what problem ? the only "problem" with the gas gauge is your inability to read it. Hint : when there is one pip showing on the gas gauge, fill it up.
you should ALWAYS check several dealerships, and buy from the first one that gives you the pkg and color you want for msrp. It helps to be...
I agree 100 % with Njkayaker and Jw teacher. The Prius is COOL and where I live, cool is important.
TWA had 767's ? gee, I thought when they folded all they had was a bunch of wore out Super 80's ;)
your gonna get shafted on the trade, that is for sure...try to hold out for a pkg. 8 if you can find one.
I dont know what you are complaining about, your Prius gets the best gas mileage of any vehicle made.
someone might give you 8-9k for it , if they are going to part it out...but then again, you might find a sucker/consumer that will buy it for 16k... !
for most people, the largest and most unusual thing in their car is the wife! ;)
actually, you havent seen EVERYTHING yet...wait til you see the new 07 Lexus 600h with HOV stickers !
it will be no problem.