Separate names with a comma.
its up to you, but they may provide some measure of protection to the wheels.
Aircraft hardly pose as much of a threat to the environment as Al Gore and Barrack Obama's hypocracy.
for sure 99 % of Americans are too dumb and impatient to use the high tech parking feature...and for that matter the same number are too dumb to...
youre right, correct tire pressure is important if you want to get the best mpg.
if you want the best results, I would suggest taking it to your Authorized Toyota Dealer for repair.
yes, it probably for a better view
Obama is almost as much of a hypocrite as Al Gore. They both suck.
I have had zero problems with my Prius so far.
you can also go to and build your vehicle..also your zip code entered into the site may limit your pkg. choices
1 pip...fill up. flashing pip..fill up. remember, 99.99% of running out of gas incidents are caused by a defect in the nut behind wheel.
Actually, you should be THANKING GWB for promoting Hybrids and especially for the $ 3150 Tax Credit.
there are alot of Prius @ Faber College..even Dean Wormers wife has one !
leasing is NOT a good deal.
You will be VERY happy with the Prius ! , if only Al Gore and Barrak Obama would get one...
paid cash
It will be an 09 model.
I would check your Authorized Toyota Dealer for an estimate, and they can guarentee their work and youll have piece of mind that the work was...
I think you should check out and then search inventory. I would follow up with a phone call to the dealership as well. Prius are VERY...