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i found it by google-ing "Prius Forum"
nice, n congrat this morning i took the car out for like a 20min drive n back, mileage drop from 49 to 45, haha
IMO i hate these PIAA n Silverstar bulbs, they do give u a white look but its not real HID i duno if prius can do those HID plug n play kit, but...
first one under 20 yay
wat u talkin about? like driving in the sun? it does get hot alot for me
yes, the car stalled, was sooo close to the gas station, like few hundred feet away, but it was a hill, so didnt reach it... bought portable gas...
i thought those bra r suppose 2 be like easy install, easy remove, i doubt u wash your car with it on
2 cars seaside pearl red crv
definitely gonna pay a pretty penny for that lots of wiring
get over it
lol i never heard of those places haha
damn rich bastard.. i dont even have air-conditioning at where i live...
australia is a very nice place ive live in sydney for 3 years i saw snow in hobart in october! its almost summer there!
any owners or members around me? haha just want to know
i want to see bigger pics lol but tapin over the badge...bad idea, looks crap too
the new GS is SEXY!!! i love it but the price tag is lil high IMO
bump for u nice tC and shiny rimz u no who i am hehe
theres this purple hummer around me with purple painted rims... not like good looking purple, but like those really ugly one, purple with lil bit...
askin for help on a prius forum, u will most likely get a biased opinion
u can drive on without the key once the car is started, but once u shut it off, the car wont turn on unless u have the key last time my mom drove...