Separate names with a comma.
I like, but would never attempt on my own car. Maybe some tail light tints..
Go to setup choose phone and then choose transfer histories, worked for me.
I was referring to the transfer option on the radio. I did have to unsync BT then resync then transfer contact list in order for it to work. I...
From what I understand there is no button to disable TC to protect the transmission from damage. I have read about situations when driving on a...
I did a 20 mile highway test speed ranging between 60-65-70 I was getting 50 MPG with AC on. I will do a more extensive test this weekend.
I had the same problem for the first day...There is a phone menu option called transfer you need to do this after you synced your phone. I have...
Has anyone tested if traction control can be disabled on the C? I will be driving this car through the New England winter/ and just wanted to...
well thats Thanks for the clarification..
Hmm.. might have to copy you with the painted black hub on my black priusc
I like the wheel covers... you could always paint the stock ones too...
Doubt it does anything for theft deterrent . I suggest not getting VIN Etched as it just another thing the dealer can screw up on your brand new...
I am interested as well, keep us posted on the release date. thanks!
Looks good!
Price was cheaper, Looked "cooler" im 29 still want to be a little youthful. I liked the the color display better and lack of big center...
Mine was 36 front 34 rear, filled it up to 41 front 40 rear for now. Will experiment more later on. Let me know what you find as the best...