Separate names with a comma.
What I meant was : The air is sucked in from the cabin by the two fans , this air is chanelled through the battery pack and exhausted ouside the...
When the coolling fans are turned on ,the air is exhausted outside the car, as i understand it hot air will go out the cabin. Only the air from...
Hummmm........I was under the impression that when the message is displayed and the answer is yes ,AND if you have scheduled charge but then you...
I think the missing link:rolleyes: could be implemented in a near future . This could be a smart idea in the good direction but the marketing of...
HI Just got the Traction Battery Cooling message for the first time , yesterday ! since i owned the car. I have been reading some posts on that...
The restriction comes from the onboard charger itself located inside the car under the back seat. The charger converts the AC from your house plug...
Wow , I see a readable scale for KW/100KM for the EV6 , I guess the learned from the Prime useless scale always clipping in KW/100KM units. BTW...
Quick answer is NEVER ,to be attractive to use gas, , the price must be lower, Here is some comparaison: when I charge at home, gas price has to...
OH well your are missing important data , my audit shows GJoules energy lost per year in different parts of the house.To put it ruffly the...
I think that you should consider your entire house as a system, adding or changing some equipement will influence your energy requirements for the...
no built in electric resistance in cold climate inverter driven heatpump please look at post 133 before contemplating smart thermostat
Here you can see data from the manufacturer for my Cold weather heatpump , For easy interpretation I circled the data. IP= Input power in...
Yes you are right , things happens slowly with a ductless heatpump and setting back is conterproductive. If I may add , turning them off in winter...
OH yes i can understand the multiple chalenges you are facing . Just to add info on my daughter's 2- story house , the multizone has one 12000btu...
Wow, hard math indeed Single zone worked for my house because the room layout and machine placement was ideal., for my daughter's house ,a 2...
I think you are good with Fujitsu , I have the previous generation version of this cold weather heatpump The main difference seems to be a...
Well it is 15% per hour reduction . Being in canada the measure are in SI so pressure test was done at 50Pascal
Hi , if you are seeking for an energy audit , I strongly suggest The blower door test .The blower door test is an instrumented test that evaluates...