Separate names with a comma.
With your S50, are you doing the true FM broadcast or have you purchased the optional Sirius FM Relay? This piece plugs into where the FM antenna...
Thanks, the S50 is a little unique though, it's a vertical form factor and placement proved to be a little challenging. I ended up mounting it on...
Well, I ended up purchasing an S50 and I'm evaluating if I will keep it or not. I went ahead and mounted it, but have not activated it yet (I'll...
More on this in a previous thread: DMV / Caltrans Letter
I currently have the Factory Interactive Sirius kit installed. I just purchased a Sirius S50 and am considering installing into the Prius. There...
I bought it from the dealer. They came within $50 of the posted online price (they knew about Prius Chat already and the deal mentioned, just...
The BlackBerry, and some other phones out there, so not support a push of the addressbook to another device via BT. Some devices will only...
Sounds like there might be a way to get this fixed if there is enough interest.... See this thread: BTTech Steering Wheel Light Query
Seems there are several people discussing this issue in a more current thread, so maybe there is interest. I think it would be nice if it...
Agreed, something triggered this "reminder" to all of us....
I did, see the post from yesterday about this DMV / Caltrans Letter I put the entire note from the DMV / Caltrans in my posting so hopefully it...
Agreed! I have noticed that my gas milage has gone down about 3-5 MPG since I started driving the carpool lane. Not much stop and go, driving...
Received a letter from DMV / Caltrans today, really more a note. Here is what it says: ABOUT YOUR CLEAN AIR VEHICLE STICKERS! (An important word...
The replies answered most of your question I think, however the title of your post is asking if you can apply online. Only non-Hybrid vehicles...
Any time you dial from the MFD, it will connect to the phone before the phone answers, you will actually hear the ringing. It is only if you dial...
This is exactly how I routed my antenna wire, except my Sirius antenna is behind the FM antenna and I want to put it in front of it now. I'm...
Here is mine. I am tracking / estimating how much I am saving in gas had I kept my Lexus which was getting around 22 MPG. There are charts on...
I purchased and installed the kit from Jon, based on his video installation. The video recommends installing the antenna on the roof, a few...
I get drop outs going under overpasses at 40-50 mph, no where near 4 seconds. I do know it has a little buffer, maybe a few seconds, when I...
I have the Factory Interactive Sirius kit, I put the antenna in the center of the roof right behind the factory FM antenna. I also had it off to...