Separate names with a comma.
Out of curiosity, have you owned the vehicle since new? Any way you slice it that's an impressive run. You say MPG is MUCH less. Could you be...
Overall, I find Prius Chat to be a mature, well run site. Even if I venomously disagree with a poster, if I feel they are sincere in their...
I'm just going to say this.... I've been a Participant within Prius Chat for a lengthy time. And I've regrettably, I admit probably participated...
The obvious, is ascertaining the potential value of a purchase, or what that value should be, is really impossible sight unseen, non-hands on, on...
That's kind of a personal philosophical choice. You say generically "acquired", so I'm hoping that means you didn't pay a lot for it. Because the...
Oh, I'm not a gear head.- Hey, I owned a Prius, so they revoke your membership. But I have nothing against revving your engine, torque, speed and...
I think the schizophrenic problem a lot of traditional ICE gear heads have with EV's, is that they have reached a place where they can be really...
Well. new "vehicle". The year is 1991 I had struggled for several years with various used vehicles and mostly stories of disappointment. Slowly...
Is it because of self isolation and the stress of social distancing? But we seem to be getting a lot of what I call resurrected Zombie Threads,...
Just for clarification do you own more than 1 Prius? Your profile say's 2008 Prius, but you are saying Gen 3. A 2008 is Gen 2. I don't have an...
I'd be suspicious of this service center. Funny how these extra services, beyond routine maintenance always seem to manifest sometime after the...
If you're happy, then I'm happy for ya.
I think, " Thank You For Your Service" has become a bit of an automatic thing to say. However, I wouldn't necessarily think because historically...
I recently watched "They Shall Not Grow Old" an IMO excellent story framed documentary on WW !. Extra notable for the usage of restored, enhanced...
I just would want better answers and better options. If you need tires, you need tires, and probably should get them for that reason alone....
This crisis has made me face a harsh reality. I'm a lousy cook. Which didn't matter too much before this crisis when access to restaurants and...
I don't know what this means...or why I am even posting it. But I once ate a 1/2 lb. Hamburger while watching a lengthy report on Mad Cow Disease.
Hmm...I always took it as a compliment when people told me I had a head like a thief. As long as it remains "LIKE" a thief and not you ARE a...
Should I take some solace in the fact that they are still using the terms "Warning" "Potentially" and not there yet but only "Perilously Close"? I...
Sure. But when I'm offering my nearly useless advice. Unless the OP is really specific about what they are doing, and the parameters surrounding...