Separate names with a comma.
By taking the higher deductable it lowers the premium. Most claims are for small stuff, so the insurance co. skates away from 'em.
Hi T.O.M., I own the "Prius on Vacation" service, and the good news is it's free. Just drop it off at my location in Maine and I'll drive it for...
Tuck, I'm not saying you are, but if one drives in the ruts left by others that'll get the bottom scraped. If you can put your tires on the high...
You don't say where you're from... Did the cabin require heat? If so the fuel used in heating the cabin will be factored in, even though you were...
I seem to remember reading in the manual that it'd handle a fairly high concentration of ethanol. Of course the mileage will suffer as there's...
Yup, Dave's right. Just make sure you have gas and everything'll be OK. The car will do what it needs to in order to stay healthy. FWIW, there's...
For some reason, maybe early PC, the emergency brake became known as the parking brake. Maybe manufacturers didn't want to scare folks into...
What!? Actually, it does have a fill indicator. When you use the washers and they sort of sputter and crap out, it's telling you to fill it....
It seems Chyrsler doesn't have a corner on the insult market.
Yes the HIDs are very blue, it's the nature of the technology. Think of Mercury Vapor lighting, but HID is different somehow. Dittos what the...
Maine State Gov't bought a bunch of 'em.
I do that frequently as I play taxi driver for the wifes errands on Saturday. At 20 degrees it comes on more frequently than you experienced, and...
Using the seat heaters might be causing it if they draw alot of current. Try not using them and see what happens. In years past I had 4 100w...
I've been running 42/40 since we got the car, still do (Maine). No problems in rotten weather and we've had a bunch already this winter.
If I'm picturing what you're referring to correctly, I think it'd be the hole where the tow hook is screwed in. Check under the rear "trunk" deck...
Last spring we had a wet snow storm. You know the type, the second the tires hit it it changes to ice. On the way home it was clear that the...
I run pressures at 43/41. Just checked them today. Dunlop Graspic DS2 installed (Maine). Not a bit of trouble with the TC. We've had an...
Old fogey here. I still play CDs in the player. We have 'em in 50 (?) CD storage folders on the tunnel in front of the armrest. They stay in place...
Sounds cool Fish. I only had one person do a double take that I noticed.
By all means try the Rain-X, but... I've used Rain-X in all my autos for years now mainly so that I don't have to run the wipers when it rains or...