Separate names with a comma.
I keep the screen on Energy when I drive as I enjoy seeing the 99.9 mpg and also it helps me "learn" to drive the car in a more energy efficient...
Thanks, Rick! Very interesting for those of us who don't have the NAV system.
If you don't have SE/SS you can lock your key fob in the car if it is not in the ignition. I also wanted to test if I could lock my keys in the...
Biggest improvement for me has been adding the Go To page just below the thread title on the index for new posts since my last log in. Thanks!!!...
Ok, it's embarrassing to admit this, but I had not heard of the Prius at all - I mean at all!! I'm not talking about the 2004 redesign. I guess...
Actually I was wondering that myself, but maybe they are thinking more of the European or Canadian market than the U.S. for this choice. Anybody...
I have never seen nor heard any TV or radio ads for the Prius. I "accidently" found out about it when I was looking for a new car and went to...
It's nice that you can switch to KPH if you go to Canada, but I would have prefered that it be a choice on the computer screen - like choosing the...
I think the 04 would be difficult to steal because it doesn't have a conventional key. I don't have SS/SE, but a standard feature is that the key...
I have not heard of anyone having any problems with the battery from folks on this or other Prius chat lines. The battery is warranted by Toyota...
Ditto on Chat.
Call Mountain States Toyota. I don't know if they have any, but... That is where I bought mine. I know that they had 2 unspoken for Prius in Nov...
Good job, riskable. Very clever! I really like your suggestions.
"Second, the increase in efficiency alone is just about enough to cover that cost. " John, Are you saying that you get better gas mileage...
I have the "regular" Prius headlights, not HID. Snce I've had the car for about a month now, I've been "flashed" at night by on-coming cars 4...
What ever happened to "vent"? My old 1993 Subaru had that and I miss it. Do most of the newer cars not have an option for vent or is it just the...
The skidding car symbol is for traction control. I have seen it two times when on an icey road in the last month since I have had the Prius. For...
You definitely have to do your research to get the best auto rates - they vary wildly for the same coverage. I just went through this exercise...
Terry, The velour material which is on the seats on the portion that you actually sit upon is backed by foam. They say it is the same quality...
Fred, Sorry I didn't look at the N15 Beige. :oops: I wanted a darker color than the ivory and actually was looking more at the grey colors. I...