Separate names with a comma. has an active discussion of sudden acceleration in Toyotas. Slashdot Technology Story | Toyotas Suddenly Accelerate; Owners Up In...
The following is from an AP article reporting on the Consumer Reports reliability data. Like last year, the Prius leads its class. Not bad!...
For my oil change, the jackstand height was 16"; this gave plenty of clearance. Since the jack support point was 7" off the ground, the car was...
Drat! I'm sure that lots of people are looking. With luck a good deal will show up soon. Marty
Check out the "Gen III oil fileter wrench" thread. URLs are there.
To remove the plastic clips you can insert a slotted (regular) screwdriver into the gap under the center pin and twist. The center pin should pop...
The 490 wear rating of the Energy Savers isn't bad. The added usefulness of the 800 wear rating may depend on how many miles one drives. Over...
This is an excellent point. Feedback means a lot! The mpg feedback encourages me to experiment / play games to see what improves mileage. (I...
The zip lock bag is an interesting idea! I've already gotten oil on my hands by then, however. Getting that drain plug free without dropping it...
Thanks Mr. Bill. The oil change went well. But, I have trouble keeping those white gloves clean. :) Once the car is up and supported, the...
I followed the oil change instructions from John1701 (John's Stuff - Toyota Prius Maintenance - Changing Oil) because I'm more comfortable...
Ouch! Dr. Bhat also seems to assume that owning a Prius leads to (causes) one to drive farther. It also seems possible that people who buy a...
Ah fond memories... Driving test car -- a 60 Rambler Station Wagon. I later discovered that shifting the automatic into reverse while driving...
A change in MPG would suggest that ICE had been running. Wouldn't a drop in average MPH be a good indicator that the car stayed on?
Nice to know. Thank you! Marty
Great idea. Thank you! Marty
I share the concern about the brake lights being on under light braking. I've always hated following someone who "rides the brakes." It can be a...
At 3,200 miles I'm getting 50.5 mpg, based on calculations of gas in the tank. Driving has usually been with A/C on in normal mode. On our...
We just returned from a 2-week 2700 mile trip that included the Adirondacks in NY and the White Mountains in NH. (We drove from Akron, Oh, to...