Separate names with a comma.
If he was being ironic, yeah I missed it. My apologies. And no, I'm not going to "report" him. Geez. I work in the auto industry, I am well...
I fill up about twice a month. I don't drive all that much. In the warm months, I have a motocycle. It gets about 45 mpg. I fill that about twice...
You're right. Similar to what many of the GW/CC "alarmists" do. And if an investigator found his results were "inescapable", why not use that...
Nerfer, no one is saying you shouldn't keep doing what you're doing or not conserve. I conserve, for godsake! Everyone should! The quote you...
Interesting to say the least. :rolleyes: GM killed the EV1 because it had a very limited range, was problematic, and was very expensive to...
It doesn't fit your model, so of course it rings a bit hollow. Singer isn't the only one who believes this way, however. Many respected scientists...
Just read it again. It doesn't say that anywhere. :confused:
That's what real science does. It changes according to new info that becomes available.
No, it really doesn't. I just read it again and didn't see anything that I would consider absolute. It seems like the guy knows his stuff and has...
Quoting Wiki? Mmmmkay......... Reading that article, however, he seems to be rather knowledgable on the subject matter, wouldn't you say?...
That has got to be the most irresponsible thing I have read here yet. God help your kids if something happens to you. :mad:
Uh, no. You have to realize that wealth is what drives all economies, whether it belongs to you or someone else. Your job, house/apartment, your...
Must be bullshit, right?;)
You are missing the point of the 'vette, the same as most 'vette owners miss the point of the Prius. Apples and oranges, my friend. And nickel...
So is every other citizen over 18! Amazing. ;)
Looks interesting.....I'll have to check it out. :)
Anything you can do to reduce reciprocating mass in an IC engine will improve power and economy. The C6 Z06 already utilizes a lot of that technology.
Pinto, have you thought about the energy that goes into producing a hybrid of any make? Have you seen the pictures of the nickel mines for the...
I hate those! My mailbox is stuffed full of them every time I empty it. I have a personal paper shredder that I use for sensitive papers, I run...
Hey all- first post. :) I have often thought about the cost of being "green" and how much some things can cost. My personal belief is to do what...