Separate names with a comma.
My 2003 Prius is 'PREE US 1' and my wife's 2004 is, can you guess, PREE US 2 . I got tired of peeple calling it PRY US I'm trying to educate the...
I believe that the Hybrid IS the way of the future (or at least for the next 10 to 15 years). Why? Infrastructure. Even if they figure out how to...
Another thing -- The dealer told me NOT to use the cruise control for the first 1000 miles, It may cause the ICE to race too much before it breaks in.
Thanks Bookrats, I kinda like it too. My License Plate reads 'PREE US' since most people when they first try to pronounce the name say PRY US. It...
I have an 03' Prius and I love it. Actually I wish they had left the instrument cluster in the center on the 04'. I do wish they had made the gear...
One of these would be well worth $12.00 and it would fit nicely under the tire.
I'd like to start a Northern Illinois Club Danny, I live about 35 miles Northwest of Chicago and I'd like to start a Prius Chapter, group,...
YOU CAN"T floor it, smash on the brakes and expect any car to get reasonable mileage! Come to think of it I'd imagine even normal ICE vehicles...
There is only one place for the key and that is in the handle of the Driver's door.
Nope didn't hear anything, the display changed on the screen and my wife saw the call coming in . . . Our friend's phone doesn't ring when she...
At least I know I'm not crazy I read in the manual that there was a 'auto' function on the lights but it didn't match what I saw in the car. Glad...
GM is hurting, a guy I know was looking at a vette and the salesperson chopped the price 12K if he'd buy it right then -- he did.
Old vs New Well I own one of each and there are some differences. The 04 is bigger, bigger engine, higher voltage and has a heck of a lot of nice...
I can't remember who posted the tip about pressing the button on the mirror until it started slow blinking and THEN press the remote for the...
We got it WE LOVE IT and I put in another order for '05 Prius and will sell my 03 Prius when the new one comes in!!!!!!!!!!!! Shouldn't have to...
Finally after 9 months of waiting my wife's black #9 is in :P Picking it up at 6:00 I FINALLY get my 03 Prius back :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I had to yell at my wife The other day I asked my wife what the heck was going on with the gas consumption . . . I said, " Listen, I filled up...
What a difference a year makes About a year and a half ago after I had my '03 Prius about 6 months, I was listening to the radio when this...
What really is silly is when I ordered my '03 Prius I had it in 2 days! The only option I didn't get was GPS. It is amazing to me how the Prius...