Separate names with a comma.
I stopped in at the auto body shop this morning. I will need both a new fender and a new bumper. Once they have the accident report, they can...
Bisco, I know the body shop up the street does all the work for the local Toyota dealership, so that is where I will start. I plan to stop in...
OK thanks. In RI, the ins co. are not allowed to recommend a specific repair shop.
Carmine is always in my garage. ALWAYS. But today I sealed the driveway and was planning to go out this evening, so Carmine was parked on the...
OK car is fixed. It was the 12 volt battery. AAA tested it, only 7.7 volts. He jumped it and I drove to the dealer, got the new one installed....
I do have gas, thanks. Like that link, thank you. Went out and tried, pressing button withOUT the brake, nothing happens. Can not get to ACC...
2008 Prius, bought it new. Have about 35000 miles on it. Have not noticed any issues. Just went to run an errand and . . . it won't start....
Yes, that didn't work either. Took it in earlier today, they got it fixed. Said it was jammed, no idea how I could have done it, the one...
OK thanks, I'll phone the place I use in the morning. Yes, must get it fixed as we now have a state law requiring seat belts and they can pull us...
Passenger front seat belt - the buckle will not go in the groove. When I look in the groove, there is a piece of metal. I press the orange...
Hehe, thanks everyone for the comments. Just knew that title would get the thread opened, have a look see. I didn't leave it in neutral, BTW,...
Bisco: OK, thank you! KK6PD- I didn't know if I could rev the engine and bring the battery back up, that is why I shifted to neutral and tried...
No a/c needed here in RI today. Only had the radio on. When I got close to home and got OFF the highway, I was able to accelerate, and get the...
Of course, we were both stuck in traffic, stop and go, with "go" being 4 MPH! :eyebrows: Took a bit over an hour to go less than 11 miles,...
Thank you! Jonny Walker made it through his surgery! He has 2 metal plates in his jaws. He ate 1 1/2 cups of pureed food today, and wagged his...
I don't know what the etiquette is re cross posting between forums. If this is inappropriate, Keith or Mods, please remove this and accept my...
I have the Ventureshield on Carmine, had that put on within 4 days of pick up. very happy with it. Expensive, but no worries once it is one there.
Facial tissues fit perfectly, no box needed. During allergy season? A must for this family!
It can be very difficult to id a "household" cat. So many types can go into it. You may like to refer to the TICA web site: TICA Breeds While...
I saw his exhibit in Portland, Maine, about 18 to 20 years ago, it was amazing! Anyone who can get to this one, I suggest you go!