Separate names with a comma.
I am having an intermittent problem with my brakes or the electronics that control them. The car will have no problems, then usually after being...
So I ended up getting a 2014 Three with 70k. Ended up at $11,200 plus tax/title etc. $13K out the door. It was a one owner Arizona car. I felt...
I am going to opt for the repair from the top, loosening and propping up the inverter. Hopefully, the metal clamps will stop 100%. I will report...
Pretty cool toy. I am curious - what clamps did you use?
Can anyone tell me what is meant by IOW passive bleeding?
I was going to buy these at Harbor Freight. I will get two of them if needed just in case the smaller ones won't work. I am thinking I can use the...
Getting ready to change my coolant control valve on my 2009. I am ordering hose clamps to close off all three coolant hoses before R&R. Do I need...
Hi Michael - Did you ever find out what was popping the code for the coolant valve on your Prius?
I am going to sell my Gen2 and buy a Gen 3. I know from this forum and other sources that the big things to watch out for are oil consumption/head...
I mistyped - Here was the sequence: After full charge, negative detached: 13.3 After overnight negative detached: 13.1 After 1 hour negative...
I wasn't performing a parasitic draw test. I was seeing if I need to perform one. If I do, I will be following the directions in the video with a...
So I let it sit overnight with cable off, hooked up cable closed doors and left of for 1 hour and my voltage was 13.0V . Checked 24 hours later...
Awesome info guys and great link dolj. Filling back up and will check voltage after an hour, then left overnight hooked up to check for draw tomorrow!
I have removed the negative terminal on my battery and hooked my 0-4A AGM charger all day. It finished its cycle and I let it rest for 15 minutes...
This was after the ride home from Pep Boys about 4 miles. My regular mechanic seemed to think 13.9 was fine.
This is my question. I have a Bluetooth adapter plugged in but in don't think any socket is always on.
With brand new Optima installed, the resting voltage is 12.6v and the running voltage is 13.9v. I turned on accessories and it held strong at...
I purchased a Bosch AGM about 15 months ago. It gave up 3 months ago so it lasted 1 year. I figured on a junk battery. I took in for warranty and...
That's ok, I'm not an apple kind of guy
I can find the EG003-02 TSB "READINESS MONITOR DRIVE PATTERNS" but for the life of me I can not find a newer version for vehicles after 2003.